Monday, September 12, 2011

Your Word Life

The written word is beautiful!  A great story is a beautiful masterpiece that tantalizes all your senses.  It creates a beautiful painting for your minds eye, a majestic symphony for your ears, and it can taste as rich and fulfilling as a feast for your soul! The words become more than just letters on a page.  Put together properly, the words gain movement and swirl and sway; able to transport the reader into another world, another time or another place.  The author has done his job!  Guiding you with his words he was able to lead you on an unforgettable journey.  Sometimes, however, the word map drawn by the author can be too vague.  During the journey, the readers may be forced to read between the lines for direction and they can become lost...frustrated or confused.  The author becomes misunderstood; heartbreaking to the author; frustrating to the reader. 

The spoken word is beautiful!  Letters, words, sentences and paragraphs.....all become just that without the emotion written behind them.  Human speech adds another dimension to the written word.  In design, lighting is crucial to completing a room.  It adds mood, depth and highlights to important features in a space. By God's incredible design, the human voice adds a rich layer to human interaction.  Tone, volume, infliction all allowing one to to go places that the written author could only dream of.  Speaking fills the void where the written word fails.

The unspoken word is beautiful!  Our eyes, face and body speak when there are no words.  Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is a perfect example of the power of personal presence.  The written word can be misread, the spoken word misheard but what brings all three together in perfect harmony is the power of body language. If not for subtle physical cues, the budding friendship between Edward and Jane may have been doomed from the beginning.  Edward with his harsh but teasing comments may have been misread if not for a raised eyebrow or a sly smile.  Jane's quiet growing affections may have been missed if not for her wringing hands or flowing tears.

In our lives, it's important for us to use not only one form of words but all three together.  Where one creates a void, the other fills it in as neatly as a puzzle piece.  Our designer and creator left us an example of using all three forms of communication.  He left us His word, His, however, being flawless and perfect and without void.  He gave us his Son, Jesus, who added another beautiful layer by bringing God's words to life through His teaching and His beautiful parables.  To have heard His voice, as a tidal wave, rising and falling with passion to teach and later to recede to calm and steady waters to soothe, comfort and heal; we can only imagine!  Lastly, Jesus was able to make the unspoken word shine through the power of His touch, bringing healing, love and peace to all who came to seek Him. 

This technological age that is quickly emerging around us is slowly smothering God's perfect design for us. Texting, Facebooking, Emailing and Tweeting all are taking away the beauty of the written, spoken and unspoken word.  The computer screen cannot replace the depth of anothers gaze, the keys cannot replace the warmth of the human touch, the clicking keys the soft tone of the human voice.  If the keyboard or keypad is the only word life you're living, fill your void with the puzzle pieces God has designed for you.....they'll be a perfect fit!

1 comment:

  1. And what shall we ever do if the Post Office goes out of business?

    Thanks Tammy!
