Friday, September 30, 2011

Family Reunion

Today looks different.  It feels different. I got up at the usual time, went through my usual morning routine but everything seems so still and silent.  It's that feeling you get when you realize....another loved one has gone home.

One of my aunts went home to be with the Lord recently.  It's been a while since I seen her last, yet, when I heard of her home-going, I felt the void.  Childhood memories of visiting her and my uncle on their farm came flooding back.  I loved visiting the farm!  My two cousins, aunt and uncle would take my brothers, sister and I around the various animal pens.  We'd marvel at how big, fat ....and muddy.....the pigs were! We'd watch and giggle as these over sized "Wilburs" from Charlotte's Web grunted and buried their pink noses in the mud in search of the perfect corn cob.  Next, came the cows with their glassy, google-eyed stare, swishing their tails shooing away flies and... good grief.... that endless chewing!  On our tours, my cousins would patiently answer all of our city slicker questions.  Like, why do cows look so dumb?  Do pigs bite?  Do they have names?  Why do they stink so bad?  To us, they knew everything and we were in awe of their endless farm knowledge!  The running, cackling chickens were next.  They weren't as fun.... we couldn't catch any!  Last on our tour was always the best...the kittens.  Every visit would end with my sister and I begging for one of those cute, little bundles of fur and it wasn't until I was married with a family of my own, on a grown-up visit to the farm, that I finally got to bring one home! 

The family farm is feeling a void today. A sweet, soft-spoken, beautiful woman; daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt; has been called home.  Handmade baby quilts, blankets and flower arrangements are just a few of the priceless treasures she left behind; gifts given by her in a quiet spirit voicing her love and care.   As we mourn the loss of our loved one, we can take comfort that at this very moment a celebration takes place in heaven.....another child has come home!  

Someday, when we are called home, it will be my aunt, along with all our other loved ones who went on ahead, to give us yet again another tour....a tour of heaven; walking the streets of gold, hand in hand, never to endure a painful seperation ever again!  What a glorious day that will be when we are all home together in heaven with Jesus for our eternal family reunion! 

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, that was beautiful! I have many of those same memories! Thank you! You have a writing gift from our Lord above! And yes, what a day that will be!
