I love the sound of our vacuum! Not so much really when I'm pushing it, but the loud rumble seems to take on a happy melody when it's being pushed by someone else! The low roar of our vacuum is a happy announcement to me lines are going back in my carpet and the dirt and dusties are going bye-bye! Ahhhh, the sound of clean! The whirl of the vacuum isn't the only pleasing sound providing music for my tidy hungry ears. The squeakity-squeak of paper towel against our windows and the swish of the broom on our kitchen floor blends in perfect harmony adding to the joyous song! The symphony of spring cleaning in December my orchestra of kids play is beautiful to this conductors ears!

There is a purpose, really, to this Mom's need for clean in December. Three years ago, I wanted to find a way for the kids to be able to give to one another and experience the joys that come with gift giving. I didn't want to just hand them a wad of cash and let them loose in the store. A) Money doesn't flow that freely around here and B) gifts that come easily without some sort of sacrifice seem to kind of fall flat. Mom and Dad have to earn money for the gifts under the tree, so the lesson of work and sacrifice is an important one to teach. Spring cleaning was the perfect teaching tool......teaching the kids the valuable lesson that work and giving go hand in hand. These cleaning jobs enabled them to not only earn gifts for each other but they double as gifts for Mom and Dad! The gift of a sparkling, organized, spring-cleaned home done with excitement and zealous glee!
In 2008, "Christmas Chore Coupons" or "Christmas Cash" (from year to year the name seems to slightly morph!) was born. Each year, Kris and I brainstorm a master list of "extra mile" chores (chores different from daily chores) ranging from organizing bedrooms, window washing, vacuuming out the van and even playing with the guinea pigs. The difficulty of the task would determine how many punches the job was worth. Each child receives their own coupon with areas for punches; 10 punches earned a gift and a unique shopping experience with Mom at "The Lash Country Store."
When they are ready to "cash in" their 10 punches, they let me know which person they want to shop for and I get the store ready, complete with gifts, wrapping paper and cards. It's fun waiting at our bedroom door like a gate-keeper as I examine the coupon for the proper amount of punches for entry (like I didn't know already.....I am the master of the hole punch! :D) It warms my heart watching each child search for the perfect gift for their brother or sister that they worked so hard to earn. Together we wrap the gift with the paper designated for that person and with excited chatter we wonder whether or not their brother or sister will be able to guess what surprise lie hidden inside! Its neat to think that each gift snugly tucked in Tinkerbell, Cars or Toy Story wrapping paper, is nestled in so much more. Each gift is wrapped and taped in the sacrifice of time, energy, effort and beautifully, topped off with a big, bow of love. The shopping trip with Mom at the "Lash Country Store" comes to an end with my favorite moment, the signing of the card. The heartfelt, written words of love and friendship expressed by each outshines my sparkling windows and floors and leaves a lump in my throat and my eyes misty!
It's my hearts desire that "Christmas Coupons" spotlight the type of giving our Lord and Savior loving gave us that blessed Christmas morning! He gave the beautiful gift of Spring, giving us shiny new hearts through the sacrifice of His birth and death for each of us...if we accept it. Though December generally brings snow and cold; blossoms of spring appear in my freshly, scrubbed home........love renewed through gifts of Spring!
Absolutely Perfect Tammy! You are making practical, hands on, and learning opportunities that would be as my mom called it, Loving them with all of my senses! Enjoyed this...